Saturday, March 23, 2013

My story through my words.
Be Brave. Be Courageous. Be Heard. Be KNOWN.

  • Thank you all who have supported me and left comments on my posts.
  • I was inspired to start writing my story after a number of child suicides in Atlanta, Georgia. During My Junior and Senior years at Clark Atlanta University, a number of young boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 11 committed suicide because they felt it was the only way to escape the taunting of classmates.
  • What kind of bullying? Sexual Bullying.
  • Whether they were gay or straight is not the issue. The issue is that they felt that they were being persecuted so badly that taking their lives was the only way out.
  • I was a victim of sexual bullying: According to, sexual bullying can be verbal or physical.
  • I was a victim of both verbal and physical harrassment in school, and it has left wounds that will follow me for the rest of my life.
  • It was time for me to find coping skills to overcome the pain and help others who have gone through it as well.
  • Well, I am documenting my story. I will be bringing you excerpts from my finished novel My Story, My Song, My Life.