Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Response To An Anonymous Post: Do Not Let Another Child's Anguish Be The Result of Your Failure.

Mark 10:13-16
13 Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” 16 And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them.

ANONYMOUS RESPONSE TO : Is Homphobia Killing Our Children:
Christ calls us to love everyone. No one should bully or show hate to someone for any reason... especially in the name of the Lord. Having said that, I do believe that the bible preaches absolutes and right and wrong. Sin equals death. And all sin, if it be homosexuality, promiscuity, hateful words, gossiping... is natural. We are all born as sinners, with different desires and inclinations. BUT God offers grace and he can wipe us of these natural sins if we choose to let him. And his grace should motivate us strive to live holy, and without sin the best that we can. It's not our place to judge others though... it's our place to love them. How sad that people would torment others in such a way that they no longer find life worth in living. Our God offers us a glorious life, and it's our job as Christians to help others find that love and grace. We need to focus on what we are for. And I'm for the love, grace, and forgiveness offered through Christ... and the power to rise above our natural desire to sin. We can't show other people the wonderful love of our Father in Heaven without showing love. Sorry... this is almost more of a response to your previous post. Anyways, power to you for standing up and telling your story. It's not an easy thing to do. May God bless you on your journey of sharing.

Thank you for your response. It was very insightful and convincing. I have learned to appreciate all views as long as they are not stated to intentionally cause malicious hurt and pain. Children do not understand the complexity of sexuality. They are children who are simply being themselves. However, they do understand the magnitude of words. Words hurt. They leave scars that last a lifetime. In the last few years, children as young as 8 years-old have committed suicide. When did children start feeling that suicide was an escape at such an early age. I didn't have a clue what suicide was at 7 years-old. I believe that children are direct reflections of their parents at such an impressionable age. These bullies, who are also children, are regurgitating the hateful thoughts and comments they have heard from adults at home. I agree that you do not have to accept someones lifestyle to love them. God gives everyone the free will to make choices in their life. However, children don't have choices. They can't choose the schools they go to. They can't escape the daily taunts of peers. They are bound to the chains of molestation and verbal abuse. These are all things that come with sexual bullying. Sexual bullying is more that just words. It is a constant violation of the soul, mind, and BODY. So then, it becomes apparent why suicide is the option that these children are left to face. It is there escape to Jesus.

It is the responsibility of adults to take action. We must mold and protect our children. It takes a village. Jaheem Herrera's suicide is the result of adults who failed him. They failed to advocate. They failed to teach. They failed to love.

Do not let another child's anguish be the result of your failure.

Please read this 7 year-old's story:
Jasmine McClain, bullying victim
Please read about 10 year-old Jasmine McClain's story:


  1. It truly breaks my heart to hear about these stories. It is definitely a real issue- that isn't approached often. Perhaps my previous comment was slightly out of context. I definitely agree that adults need to stand up for these children who are bullied in this way- and smother them with Christ's love and do everything in their power to make life better for their child. To hear about children so young, committing suicide- it's shocking. I wish that children that age didn't even know about such a thing. You're right- children don't have choices about much. That's why it's important that their parents be active and present in their child's life and do all they can to protect them. How can a child learn to love and trust their Father in Heaven, if their own parents forsake them?

  2. I also want to add, that I was never trying to argue what you were saying. Nor have I ever gone around condemning children- or anyone for that matter. Children are innocent. They need to be comforted, loved, and nurtured. They need to be taught how to behave so that they do not bully others. I'll apologize for making a comment that was out of context, but I'm not trying to be a bully here. You were talking about homophobia killing children. Many people think of Christians to be homophobes... and I was simply saying that it's wrong when Christians act that way, because it isn't how Jesus calls us to be at all. If all Christians, would act out of love instead of judgement, then wouldn't that be a step in the right direction? I just get the feeling that my post offended you... and that isn't what I was trying to do.... I was trying to support what you were saying. Anyways, I'll lay off and just say "amen" from now on.

  3. The post you are referring to is "Is Homophobia Killing Our Children?"
    This was a question meant to open up dialogue regarding a form of bullying often associated with homophobia.
    Words used by adults to cause pain, such as "fag," "queer, "gay," "fruit" etc..are now weapons on the playground.
    The purpose of the question was to find the root of the problem. It was a very general question and was not targeted to any religious group.
    Often times we tend to gloss over gritty issues because we are afraid to confront topics that make us feel uncomfortable. Consequently, we fail to provide refuge for those who are being tormented on earth.
    Because the topic forces us to address homosexuality, many people tend to avoid it.
    I believe that this has ultimately affected children. These children do not understand the complexity of sexuality. There differences do not make them gay. However, it does make them vulnerable.
    You did not offend me. I appreciate all opinions as long as they do not become weapons to inflict pain.
    If I thought your comment was inappropriate, I would have simply deleted it.

    I urge you to please continue to post your opinions and to also go back and view the youtube videos about Jaheem Herrera and Carl Walker Hoover. Hoover's mother is a single parent who tried to do everything she could to stop her 11 year-old son from being bullied at school. Ellen Degeneres interviews the mother on her show.
